The fragrance of lemongrass pierces the air in Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge while tall bamboo branches and fruit trees extend a warm welcome to guests arriving in this charming, 18-room lodge built by the Sankhalas, a celebrated family of conservationists. The lodge is eco-conscious and for that reason, it’s a favourite among travellers who advocate forest conservation.

Just off the busy Tala main road, Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge allows a wonderful experience of slowing down. The staff, locals who are encouraged to work, are trained as per best global practices.


The National Park is barely 200 metres away from the camp gate. Hence, wildlife is abundant around the camp as well. Join one of our naturalists on a nature walk, to learn not only about mammals and birds, but the microorganisms that keep the ecosystem going. Stretch your legs and let the fresh air rejuvenate your lungs.


A naturalist is one of the most important companions that you can have on a safari. Our Jeeps are equipped with Bird Books, Binoculars, and above all – a knowledgeable naturalist, whose wealth of experience in these very jungles, will make your every safari exciting and wanting to come back for more.


The culinary classes organised by Sadhvi and her team for guests is a unique way to get an insight into the region and its indigenous cuisine. The emphasis is on promoting local flavours while also promoting environmentally conscious cooking using solar methods in food preparations.


Given Sankhala family’s commitment towards the local tribes, village walks is an enriching experience. The thatched roofs, mud and cow dung plastered walls, and the folk motifs point to the simple architecture of these homes. Enjoy a local meal to experience of the warmth of the people.


Bandhavgarh is home to an incredible variety of avifauna and the blue skies of the region reverberate with an amazing variety – over 200 – of birds and over 80 varieties of butterflies. The professionals at Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge ensure that birding enthusiasts spot most birds on the checklist, including rare migratory birds, depending on the season.


Want to find out about Sankhalas, India’s first family of tiger conservationists? Need information on Bandhavgarh, its people, the flora and fauna you spotted during your safari? Unwind with Sadhvi’s family members talking passionately about the jungle while the team whips a delicious barbeque for you.


With the aim to sensitise people towards local artisans, plans are afoot to have live art and craft demonstrations by local artists along with performers to regale audiences with the intoxicating rhythm of the region’s tribal songs and dances that evoke their heritage.


For a decade, Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge has been a preferred lodge of filming teams. Whether it is National Geographic, BBC, or Disney. We were home to the crew for many filming assignments. Similarly, we are also the preferred lodge for many of the world’s top photographers. Our vehicles can be modified, to suit your needs. Bean Bags are always present at the camp for borrowing.

Media Release